This is a group shot of the beautiful women of Berat, Albania, Disciples of Jesus Christ church. You will also see "mama Karen" in the back. They are holding their craft of homemade sugar scrub that Karen led with them while at their retreat day.
With the help of the pastor's wife, Megina, we booked a restaurant there in Berat and treated these women to American chocolate and peppermints, door prizes, games, testimonies of God's work in our lives, teaching from Beverly, lunch, and so much love from all of you... THIS is what we came for... to love of these women, give biblical teaching, a day of fun, and love. You all made this happen. Thank you, thank you for all the help raising the funds to give this retreat. The restaurant gave us the wedding room, which was breathtaking.. white table clothes, white slipcovered chairs with giant red silk bows, it was beautiful.
So many stories to tell just from this one day.. many of these women have never even eaten in a restaurant like this. Several were from a neighboring village that drove in by taxi, many had never had a day away from their children, some even brought their babies. You would not believe the ppositive feedback these women gave. Their gratefulness in multiple hugs and kisses said it all. It did not matter that many of us could not even speak the language.. God's love was evident in all of their lives and we knew it. They even sang praise and worship songs in their own language. How can I put into words on a blog the sound of a foreign language to me singing praises to a common Savior? It was music to our ears, and we just worshipped right along.
God is at work in that city.. even the waiter assigned to us for the day, spoke later to some members of our team that he had never heard so seen such beautiful words spoken about Jesus. What a lesson that we never know who may be effected by our witness... we were there to lead a women's retreat and the male waiter was even moved.. maybe even seeds planted and the Lord will lead him to this christian church in his own community. God is so Amazing!
We are thanking him for so many lives touched and changed, mainly ours!
We are in Italy tonight, awaiting an early departure for Georgia. There is so much to tell and I just can't do it justice. Once home and settled, I will post more..
Thank you to all of you that have been checking on us and praying. We sure have felt the prayers! We are all exhausted and ready to get at me to loved ones. Please pray for a safe flight tomorrow and a great re-entry back into the reality of motherhood and being wives?
We love you all!
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